Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day One: Orientation and the College of Notre Dame in Maryland

I arrived in Maryland yesterday. Thanks to Katy and Eric Toy who graciously allowed me to crash at their home in Sharpsburg while they are busy moving to NC. After heading out to Baltimore, I arrived on the College of Notre Dame of Maryland campus around 1:00. The campus is awesome - small women's college located on a 58-acres of lush wooded grounds and gardens spotted with lovely historic buildings. Check out their website at

After dinner in the Doyle Dining Room, the 25 teachers selected for the program gathered for our orientation meeting. It was so awesome to finally see the faces of the people who I had only been able to "see" online on our Blackboard site. After some housekeeping, the directors of the program shared with each of us some resources to use toward our individual final projects. My project is related to Women's Lives in Ancient Rome. The book above was given to me as a potential resource - it is filled with awesome information about everything from Greek and Roman goddesses to women's lives in the lower classes. The title: Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves. And this was given to me by a Catholic nun (who also happens to be an amazing scholar and  professor of classics here at ND)! Wow, what a beginning to an incredible experience. Can't wait for the lectures tomorrow.


  1. I'm excited about this journey you are getting to enjoy! Hope you have an amazing time and that you can slow down enough to soak it all in!

  2. You are so blessed, and I am so happy for you. Love, Aunt Pam

  3. Cathy & I avoided the tourist catacombs and went to these that were walking distance to our hotel. Great decision. Next door is the church built for Emperor Constantine's daughters to be buried, ie ancient Roman women. Have a great trip whatever you do.
